Sunday 14 August 2011

DEV - Too early to judge...

I'll be honest - when "Like a G6" dropped, I was not a huge fan... I have some admittedly irrational hatred of the word "slizzered". I didn't give DEV another thought until recently, when I spotted the video for "In the Dark" on a friend's facebook page (Got to LOVE Facebook sometimes) and proceeded to listen to the song/dance along to the video (not in the dark but oh well) 4 times in a row. I proceeded to explore her other video releases including "Base Down Low" and I have to admit it now - I'm a little addicted to DEV. She has so many qualities, both superficial and otherwise, that I like to see in an artist - awesome hair, slick dance beats, and the appropriate amount of sex appeal in the videos - keeping it hip hop, not hoochie, if such a distinction can be made.

Now, I'm the first to admit that I tend to fall in love with many a performer before promptly moving on to the next thing and forgetting completely about my former obsession - only the best achieve longevity in my ever-expanding music catalog. Whether DEV will be one of the chosen few remains to be seen but I have high hopes for her upcoming album The Night the Sun Came Up which is available for public consumption on September 20.


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