Sunday 14 August 2011

DEV - Too early to judge...

I'll be honest - when "Like a G6" dropped, I was not a huge fan... I have some admittedly irrational hatred of the word "slizzered". I didn't give DEV another thought until recently, when I spotted the video for "In the Dark" on a friend's facebook page (Got to LOVE Facebook sometimes) and proceeded to listen to the song/dance along to the video (not in the dark but oh well) 4 times in a row. I proceeded to explore her other video releases including "Base Down Low" and I have to admit it now - I'm a little addicted to DEV. She has so many qualities, both superficial and otherwise, that I like to see in an artist - awesome hair, slick dance beats, and the appropriate amount of sex appeal in the videos - keeping it hip hop, not hoochie, if such a distinction can be made.

Now, I'm the first to admit that I tend to fall in love with many a performer before promptly moving on to the next thing and forgetting completely about my former obsession - only the best achieve longevity in my ever-expanding music catalog. Whether DEV will be one of the chosen few remains to be seen but I have high hopes for her upcoming album The Night the Sun Came Up which is available for public consumption on September 20.


Friday 12 August 2011

Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes

I know that she's been around for years, but I only just discovered this Swedish Wonder Girl. She absolutely mesmerizes me! Wounded Rhymes is her second album, released earlier this year and while some have commented that it is not as good as her first album, Youth Novels (2008), I would thoroughly disagree. Don't get me wrong - I do love Youth Novels. It is a great album to enjoy start to finish, especially if you are looking for an ethereal/jazzy soundtrack for your day. But in my opinion, Li's first album does not have the strong stand alone tracks that to give power to Wounded Rhymes. Songs like "I Know Places" and "Get Some".

It is slightly pathetic to note that despite my recent obsession with her entire youtube page/back catalog, I still have no idea how to pronounce her name.